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‘Here lies the fatal flaw in [...] the philosophy of mind,
for, in using as evidence what seems reasonable or persuasive, philosophers ultimately rely on their own introspections.
They look inside themselves in an attempt to discover the design of the mind’
Bridgeman, 2004 p. 380
Can you perceive something without being perceptually aware of it?
Yes : Sidis
Yes : blindsight
Sidis’ subjects are not perceptually aware of the letter but can identify and report it.
k k k k
Can you perceive something without being perceptually aware of it?
Yes : Sidis
Yes : blindsight
Weiskrantz et al, figure 2
Awareness makes no measurable difference to action.
Can you perceive something without being perceptually aware of it?
Yes : Sidis
Yes : blindsight